Thursday, October 16, 2008

Chess In the Schools

Hi all, I haven't been around in awhile. It looks like I might be doing some coaching for Chess In The Schools. I used to teach college, but I've never taught kids before. If anyone has any interesting advice for a beginner, please let me know. - Jerry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dont know which level these kids have you will be teaching but i guess they are beginners. So first lesson has to go over the board (terms square, diagnal, row, collumn, centre, queenside, kingside). Second lesson could be how a rook go over the chessboard. Then the bishop, Queen and King, and as last the kNight. Next is defense followed by attack. Then explain what mate is and give the basic mates ((2) rooks, Queen) ... . After that you can make it a bit more complicated by giving tactical themes like pin, double attack, ... .

By each you give plenty of exercises and dont forget to let them play lots once they can do so.